Submission Guide

Priorities: Our main focus is Santa Cruz, 1964-1972.

Please note our following three email addresses, which serve as a contact point for anyone wishing to make a submission to this project.

  • Ralph Abraham:
  • Judy Lomba:
  • Tandy Beal:
These are the avenues for contributions, in order of preference:
  1. Webring high road:
    • the contributor has a website, identifies a folder (directory) within it for contributions to this project, and posts relevant material there.
    • we insert a link in our Contents menu to that folder
  2. Email/HTML route:
    • Contributor prepares a page in HTML, sends it to ralph via email as an attachment, ralph posts it to this site
    • This route has a weakness: if ralph does not like your submission, he will not post it
  3. Email/TXT route:
    • Contributor prepares a page as plain text, sends it to ralph via email, ralph posts it to this site
    • This route has a weakness: if ralph does not REALLY like your submission, he will not post it
  4. Hard copy low road: if you have no electricity
  5. Voicemail: if you are still in prison

Revised 26 July 2002 by Ralph