MS#78A. Predicting Outage and Containing Chaos in a Power Grid, 1994
Subjects: Electrical engineering
Written: 13 March 1994
Abstract. Chaotic fluctuations in the voltage available at different nodes in the electric power grid have been observed in connection with unwanted events, such as voltage collapse and power outage. The overall peak power in the grid also fluctuates unpredictably. In this report we consider techniques for controlling, or at least containing, the fluctuations after their appearance, as well as the problem of prediction of the peak load. In other reports, we will consider avoidance stretegies to prevent the appearance of these unwanted events. In all cases, the strategies we consider are based on the theory of complex dynamical systems: chaotic attractors and their bifurcations.
[PDF] 463 KB, 4 pages

Last revised by Ralph Abraham