MS#115. Landscape Dynamics, Complex Dynamics, and Agent Based Models, 2004
With Dan Friedman
Journal of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, 3, nos. 1 & 2, 53-62, (2007)
Subjects: Economics
Written: November 14, 2004
Abstract: Evolutionary game models normally have a finite set of strategies. Recently, evolutionary games with continuous spaces of strategies have been introduced by Dan Friedman and Joel Yellin, under the name landscape dynamics. In one example extensively studied by them, conspicuous consumption, a simple (gradient) dynamical system is introduced on the strategy space. In this article, we translate a landscape dynamic system into a complex dynamical system, and then into an agent based model. The conspicuous consumption model of Friedman and Yellin is realized as an agent based model in NetLogo to illustrate the concepts of this new modeling strategy.
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Last revised by Ralph Abraham