As the synchronistic events of this strange story unrolled, I was eventually called in as a technical consultant on mathematical visualization. Not realizing the magnitude of the phantasy already full-blown, I innocently joined the ship of fools on October 18th, 1991, at a small gathering at Bob Schwartz' home in New York. Trying to understand the palimpsest presented there, I developed a theory: In this report, I share that theory, own dream. and report the developments which have followed. The theory is based on John Dunne's An Experiment in Time, which details a method for discovering precognitive dreams: you must read your dream journal backwards, to fool your mind into recognizing the precedence of the dreamed occurence over the real occurence of the event [1]. This book also explains why, if you ask them, the three men might deny having these dreams.
2. Jim Morton's dream
The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, the second largest church, after St. Peters in Rome, and the second most visited tourist attraction on Manhattan Island, after the World Trade Center. Under construction for a century, it is unfinished. The nave is complete, but the transepts barely begun. James Morton is the current Dean of the Cathedral. Soon after taking office, he dreamed he had a mission to resume the construction of the cathedral, which had lapsed. He visioned a new style of architecture, which would redefine Gothic architecture for the 21st Century. Later, under the influence of this dream, he organised an architectural competition. This took place in 1979, but the winning design was never actualized. In 1991, a second competition was organised, for the completion of the South Transept.