1. Introduction.

In Pacific Shift (Thompson, 1985) world cultural history is divided into four periods called cultural ecologies. Associated with each is a characteristic mathematical style, or mentality. These, with approximate beginning dates, are: While the theory of dynamical systems and chaos theory are new branches of mathematics, arithmetic and geometry are ancient, and reach back into remote antiquity. Nevertheless, the cognitive style of prehistoric cultures is arithmetic, while the geometric style was an innovation of the ancient Greeks, sometimes credited to Thales or Pythagoras.

As mathematics has evolved from astronomy and music, we may regard archeoastronomy and archeomusicology as the foundation stones of archeomathematics. And these two foundation stones were eventually combined in the idea of the music of the spheres, in which the zodiacal constellations were mapped onto the tone circle of the twelve-tone chromatic scale. This development goes back to the Pythagoreans, 400 BC, at least. (See Part III of Godwin, 1987. See also Mountford, 1920.)

This paper is an exercise in archeomusicology, demonstrating the existence of the arithmetic mentality long before the beginnings of the riverine cultural ecology.