
Fig. 1. The aulos and monochord, tuned to the Hindu-Greek scale. (From McClain, 1976, Chart 1.)
Fig. 2. Map showing the distribution of paleolithic goddess figurines. (From Gamble, 1982.)
Fig. 3. Famous Venus figurines, enclosed in rhombi. (From Leroi-Gourhan, 1968, p. 92.)
Figs. 4a, 4b.
4a. Front view of the Venus of Lespugue. From (Gimbutas, 1989; Fig. 252, p. 163).
4b. Outline drawing of the Venus of Lespugue, front view.
Fig. 5. The Canon of Lespugue alongside the Greek Dorian Mode.
Fig. 6. Rear view of the Venus of Lespugue.