Books by Ralph H. Abraham
This is the comprehensive list of English editions.
The most recent editions in reverse chronological order,
with links to amazon.com.
Titles available as ebooks marked ***.
Books, Mathematics
- Dynamics, the Geometry of Behavior: Part 1: Periodic Behavior
, 2016
- With Chris Shaw.
- First edn. 1982-1988, in 4 parts, by Aerial Press, out-of-print.
- Transl. in Japanese.
- Second edn., 1992, revised and improved, also in four colors,
from Addison-Wesley, out-of-print.
- Third edn., spiral-bound and monochrome, out-of-print.
- Fourth edn., eBook, new setting, CD available from Aerial Press.
- Fifth edn., 2016, new printing in four colors on paper.
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- The Chaos Avant-garde
, 2000.
- Memories of the Early Days of Chaos Theory.
- Edited by Ralph Abraham and Yoshisuke Ueda.
- Contributions by Steve Smale, Yoshisuke Ueda, Ralph Abraham, Edward Lorenz
Christian Mira, Floris Takens, T.Y. Li, James Yorke, and Otto Roessler
- Transl. in Japanese.
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- Chaos in Discrete Dynamical Systems
, 1997.
- Book/CDROM, with Laura Gardini and Christian Mira.
- Introduction and visual account of a new frontier
of chaos theory in two dimensions.
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- The Foundations of Mechanics
, 1967, 1978. ***
- With Jerrold E. Marsden.
- First edition 1967 by Benjamin Press.
- Second edition 1978 by Addison-Wesley
- Also online at:
Cal Tech
- Recently reprinted by
the AMS (Chelsea Series)
- AMS Catalog
(scroll down about one third)
Revised 8 March 2024 by Ralph