Books by Ralph H. Abraham

This is the comprehensive list of English editions. The most recent editions in reverse chronological order, with links to Titles available as ebooks marked ***.

Books, Mathematics

Dynamics, the Geometry of Behavior: Part 1: Periodic Behavior, 2016
With Chris Shaw.
First edn. 1982-1988, in 4 parts, by Aerial Press, out-of-print.
Transl. in Japanese.
Second edn., 1992, revised and improved, also in four colors, from Addison-Wesley, out-of-print.
Third edn., spiral-bound and monochrome, out-of-print.
Fourth edn., eBook, new setting, CD available from Aerial Press.
Fifth edn., 2016, new printing in four colors on paper.

The Chaos Avant-garde, 2000.
Memories of the Early Days of Chaos Theory.
Edited by Ralph Abraham and Yoshisuke Ueda.
Contributions by Steve Smale, Yoshisuke Ueda, Ralph Abraham, Edward Lorenz Christian Mira, Floris Takens, T.Y. Li, James Yorke, and Otto Roessler
Transl. in Japanese.

Chaos in Discrete Dynamical Systems, 1997.
Book/CDROM, with Laura Gardini and Christian Mira.
Introduction and visual account of a new frontier of chaos theory in two dimensions.

Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications, 1983, 1988.
With Jerrold E. Marsden and Tudor Ratiu.
First edition, 1983, by Addison Wesley.
Second edition, 1988, by Springer-Verlag.

The Foundations of Mechanics, 1967, 1978. ***
With Jerrold E. Marsden.
First edition 1967 by Benjamin Press.
Second edition 1978 by Addison-Wesley
Also online at: Cal Tech
Recently reprinted by the AMS (Chelsea Series)
AMS Catalog (scroll down about one third)

Transversal Mappings and Flows, 1967. ***
With Joel Robbin. Publ. 1967 by Benjamin Press.

Revised 8 March 2024 by Ralph