UCSC: Art 101: Introduction to Computer Programming for the Arts

Meetings and Tentative Syllabus

NOTE: M1 = Myers HTML&CSS, M2=Myers JavaScript

  • Week 01, 3/31
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 1-11. Text formats.
    JS: M2 Chs. 1-9. Alert. variables, prompts.
  • Week 02, 4/07
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 12-22. Colors, boxes, ID, Div.
    JS: M2 Chs. 10-20. If statements, arrays, for loops.
  • Week 03, 4/14
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 23-33. Images, links.
    JS: M2 Chs. 21-30. Strings, numbers.
  • Week 04, 4/21
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 34-40. Image maps, lists, selectors.
    JS: M2 Chs. 31-38. Dates, functions.
    CANVAS: Drawing to the canvas, 2d
  • Week 05, 4/28
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 41-48. Tables.
    JS: M2 Chs. 39-50. Switch, while, do statements, events.
    CANVAS: Text
  • Week 06, 5/05
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 49-59. Forms, comments.
    JS: M2 Chs. 51-57. HTML code for web pages.
    CANVAS: Images
  • Week 07, 5/12
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 60-68. Modern header.
    JS: M2 Chs. 58-68. The Document Object Model (DOM).
    CANVAS: Animation
  • Week 08, 5/19
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 69-78. Navigation bars.
    JS: M2 Chs. 69-81. Objects.
    CANVAS: Video
  • Week 09, 5/26
    HTML&CSS: M1 Chs. 79-90. Video, Z-index.
    JS: M2 Chs. 82-89. Forms, exceptions, events.
    CANVAS: WebGL for 3D.
  • Week 10, 6/02
    Review and integration.
  • Final exam, Monday 6/08, 7:30-10:30 pm

  • Revised 18 April 2015 by Ralph