Invisible College

Math Musings I: Chaos and Divination

NEWS: Lab session at cruzio, 7pm, Monday May 8

Support documents

Syllabus, original
This is the original outline of the course.
Syllabus, revised
This is the outline of the course, as currently envisionned.
Lecture notes
After each lecture a short note is to be added here.
This is an environment for learning the concepts of iteration theory, 1D and 2D, via computer graphics, maintained at Tcl/Tk software needs to be downloaded to your computer.
List of names, email addresses, and interests.
List of support materials
List of texts, videos, etc, maintained at
Some images and movie clipsof interest, will accumulate slowly, we hope.
Related sites
This is a list of other sites, maintained at
Some images and movie clips of interest,
will accumulate slowly, we hope.
Related sites
This is a list of other sites,
maintained at
Revised Thursday 21 April 2000 by Ralph Abraham