Chaos courses by Ralph Abraham at UCSC

The chaos course has been offerred at UCSC at odd times from 1975 through 1994 with intranet support on the UCSC Athena system from 1990 through 1994. The 1999 occurence will be the first (I think) with a website.

Chaos courses, 1990-94
An elementary introduction to the concepts of the mathematical theories of chaos and bifurcation, and their applications in the sciences.
Math 145, Winter 1999
Survey of the enormous breadth of chaos theory: flows, cascades, iterations, and symbols. Selected applications. Computer laboratory using Maple, Stella, and Starlogo.
Math 145, Winter 2000
The W99 course was wonderful fun, so I decided to... do it again! This next time I will add to the lectures and labs a third component: sections. These will be councils convened by veterans of my previous courses.
Oops! Higher powers have canceled this course.

Revised 19 Oct 1999 by RHA.