Math 145, Winter 1999: Chaos Theory


The STELLA models (*.stm) can be viewed
with the (free) Run-Time Only version of STELLA:
[DOWNLOAD from HPS site]

The Maple Work Sheets (*.mws) can be viewed
with the student version of MAPLE ($69).
I have not found a (free) Run-Time Only version of MAPLE.

Tcl scripts (*.tcl) can be run with
the (freeware) Tcl interpreter, Wish.
See for the download.

NOTE: Each student must present a satisfactory
hard copy lab portfolio in order to pass.
It must contain the revised Quiz #1 and
the labs #1 to #7, all signed and approved
by a TA. The due date is 10M, March 8, 1999.
Revised 26 Feb 1999 by Ralph