UCSC: Porter 34B, Chaos, Fractals, and the Arts, Spring 2011

HowTo Manage Your Website

Prepare to work:
1. Create a folder on your desktop called "WebTrial" or some such
2. In that folder place the "index.html" template PLUS the files to which you want the index to link
3. Open the index.html file in your browser to wee what it will look like on your website
4. Open the index.html file in your HTML editor
Now begin a development cycle on your local computer:
A. Edit the index.html file in the HTML editor
B. Save the revised index.html file
C. Refresh your browser to see how the revised index.html file will look on your website
D. Test all the links to see if they work
Repeat ABCD over and over until to you have things working as you wish ... and only then, using your SFTP client, upload to your remote computer:
5. Clear out any old nonworking files from your website
6. Upload all the files in the folder "WebTrial" to your website
7. Test everything by pointing your browser to your website

Revised 03 May 2011 by Ralph