UCSC: Porter 34B, Fractals, Chaos, and the Arts, Winter 2016


  • 3/09/16, 2 pm:
    HW #10 posted
    Score sheet posted -- expect (if project finished) --
    if 38 or above, A+ (3 cases)
    32 to 37, A (8 cases)
    25 to 36, B
  • 2/18/16, 2 pm:
    A few midterm scores have been adjusted upward.
  • 2/17/16, 3 pm:
    Scores have been posted.
    Homework #7 has been posted (furthering the projects)
    Both remaining assignments will be devoted to the projects.
    A successful project is a requirement for passing the course.
  • 2/12/16, 3 pm:
    Homework #6 has been posted (beginning the projects)