galileo-chrono.txt, cr fri 19 may 2000 by rha ftp fr libretto augmented 28 jan 2002 fr stillman drake, "galileo at work" chapters UPPER CASE augmented 07 mar 2002 fr michael crowe, "theories of the world" p. 157, ch 9 1520, vincenzio b, cloth merchant, musician 1543, copernicus d, publd **1564-1589, ONE: motion, gravity, music 1564, michaelangelo d, galileo b 15 february to vincenzio, pisa 1575-81, at monastery, vallombrosa 1581, galileo observed pendulum, enrolls univ pisa in med, then math **1589-1592, TWO: leaning tower, De motu 1589, leaning tower of pisa, professor pisa, troubled 1591/2, g moved to univ padua **1592-1599, THREE: Padua, mechanics, copernicanism 1597, wrote kepler, accepted copernicanism **1600-1602, FOUR: mechanis, planets, planes, percussion 1600, bruno burned (bellarmino) 1601. brahe d, kepler took over **1603-1604, FIVE: motion **1604-1606, SIX: acceleration, new star **1606-1608, SEVEN: new star, hydrostatis, inertia 1607, telescope discovered **1609-1610, EIGHT: motion, telescope, cosmogony 1609, kepler laws 1, 2; galileo's telescope **1610-1611, NINE: move to florence, starry messenger, floating, sunspots 1610, starry messenger publ'd, moves to florence 1611, g luminescent rocks,ã atomic theory of light, troubled **1612-1612, TEN: hydrostatics, sunspots, inertia, longitude 1612, g floating bodies **1612-1613, ELEVEN: satellites, sunspots 1613, letters on sunspots publ'd **1613-1613, TWELVE: continuum, copernicus 1613, warning fr bellarmine **1614-1615, THIRTEEN: weight of air **1616-1618, FOURTEEN: longitude, comets 1616, copernicus works condemned 1616, g called to vatican, warned, works condemned (bellarmino) 1618, 3 comets, g the assayer 1618-24, linceans grow **1619-1623, FIFTEEN: comets, lenses, microscope, the assayer 1619, kepler law 3 1620, kepler works condemned 1621, bellarmino d 1623, g pub corpuscular th/light 1623, g pub the assayer **1624-26, SIXTEEN: force 1624, de dominis burned, galileo denounced (grassi) 1625, kepler reviews light **1626-1631, SEVENTEEN: motion, sunspots, hydraulics 1628, g pub discourses 2 new sciences **1631-1633, EIGHTEEN: motion, trial 1632, galileo supports copernicus, dialogue publ'd **1633-1635, NINETEEN: strength of materials, motion 1633, galileo summoned by inquisition, dialogue burned **1636-1638, TWENTY: projectiles, two new sciences, descartes 1638, discourses publ'd **1639-1640, TWENTY-ONE: correspondence **1641-1642, TWENTY-TWO: leaning tower, pendulum escapement 1642, galileo d jan 8, newton b end: galileo-chrono