1. One week course: "Modeling and Simulation with Nonlinear Dynamics" UCLA Extension, Los Angeles, CA. (February 28 - March 4)
  2. Conference: "Chaos Days", University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, "Chaotic Tori and Bagels in the Forced Van der Pol Equations" (March 17-19)
  3. Winter Conference on Brain Research, Keystone, CO, "Dynamical Stability of Complex Systems". (April)
  4. Seminar, IBM Scientific Center, Los Angeles, CA, "Complex system simulation", (May 10)
  5. Lecture: "New Maps of Hyperspace", Butterfly Productions, Santa Cruz, CA. (June)
  6. Colloquium: "Oscillations and the Stability of Complex Systems" Crump Institute, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. (June)
  7. Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Zurich, Switzerland, "Complex Dynamical Systems". (August 15-17)
  8. Conference: "Singularities and Dynamical Systems", Heraklion, Crete, "The Bagel Attractors of Birkhoff, Van der Pol, and Shaw". (August 30-September 6)
  9. Conference: "Scientists and Artists Reunion, Brain Mind Foundation, Belmont, CA. (Oct. 29 - 30)
  10. Cosmos Conference, Institute of Ecotechnics, Les Marroniers, Aix-en-Provence, France, "Order in Chaos". (November 20th)
  11. Two week course: "Dynamical Models", Physiology Department, University of Basel, (November 22 - December 8)
  12. Math Department, University of Basel, "Blue Sky Chaos", (December 2)
  13. Physics Department, University of Basel, "Complex Dynamical Models" (December 5)
  14. Seminar: Physiology Department, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland "Coupled Circadian Oscillators", (December 6)