3.1 Invited Addresses, 1996

  1. Chaos and the Language of Nature, Weekend Workshop, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA (February 2-4)
  2. Lecture series, Institute for Science, Portland, OR (February 8-11)
  3. Chaotic Resonance, Athens, GA (February 29 - March 1)
  4. The Long Line of Chaos, Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology, Berkeley, CA (June 15)
  5. Complexity of the World Wide Web, Federation for the Information Sciences, Vienna, AUSTRIA (June 20)
  6. Chaos and the Millenium, National Collegiate Honors Council, San Francisco, CA (October 31)
  7. Chaos Theory and Space-Time Patterns, Council of Europe, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC (November 20)