MS#52. Order and Chaos in the Toral Logistic Lattice, 1990
(with John Corliss and John Dorband)
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 1(1):227-234 (March, 1991)
Subjects: Computational math, cellular dynamical systems, morphogenesis
Written: 30 July 90
Abstract. Cellular dynamical systems, alias lattice dynamical systems, emerged as a new mathematical structure and modeling strategy in the 1980's. Based, like cellular automata, on finite difference methods for partial differential equations, they provide challenging patterns of spatiotemporal organisation, in which chaos and order cooperate in novel ways. Here we present initial findings of our exploration of a two-dimensional logistic lattice with the Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, a machine capable of 200 megaflops per second. A video-tape illustrating these findings is available.
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Last revised by Ralph Abraham