5. Electronic intervention schemes.

The synergy of GERG and the publication opportunities it provided naturally led to a subset of all the publications devoted to the bifurcation window, and the spirit of intervention did manifest in some of them. In my own case, the 15 articles listed in the Bibliography, from 1987 to the present, were all interventionist efforts of the creative posture, deeply indebted to GERG. Only in the last two years did I perceive the World Wide Web as a vehicle for intervention, and a new opportunity for all my GERGian ideas of the past decade. These papers may be found on the WWW at http://www.vismth.org/ralph/articles.

|| Home ||
|| 1. Introduction || 2. The creative posture || 3. GERG and the intervention controvers || 4. The bifurcation paradigm || 5. Electronic intervention schemes || 6. The World Wide Web || 7. Conclusion || Acknowledgments