
We are grateful to the Electronic Language Laboratory and the Ocean of Know for support of this collaboration, and to the Council of Europe for the opportunity to present our joint work in Prague in November, 1996.


Abraham, Ralph H., Webometry #1, Measuring the complexity of the World Wide Web, Santa Cruz, CA: Visual Math Institute, 1996.
Abraham, Ralph H., Webometry #2, Measuring the synergy of the World Wide Web, Santa Cruz, CA: Visual Math Institute, 1996.
Foresta, Don, Space-Time and Art, an Interactive Paradigm, Prague Conference, Nov. 21, 1996.
Mus\s, Charles, Destiny and control in human systems : studies in the interactive connectedness of time (chronotopology). Boston : Kluwer-Nijhoff Pub., 1985.

|| Home ||
|| 1. Introduction || 2. Webometry || 3. The fractal cybersociosphere || 4. Chronotopography of the Web || 5. Strategies for mapping the isochrons from one point || 6.Conclusion || Acknowledgments